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How to Pronounce animatronic?

Correct pronunciation for the word "animatronic" is [ˌanɪmɐtɹˈɒnɪk], [ˌanɪmɐtɹˈɒnɪk], [ˌa_n_ɪ_m_ɐ_t_ɹ_ˈɒ_n_ɪ_k].

What are the misspellings for animatronic?

What is the adjective for animatronic?

The adjective form of the word "animatronic" is "animatronic". It is used to describe things that are related to or characterized by animatronics, which are devices that are designed to mimic the movements or actions of living creatures through the use of electronics and mechanics.

Usage over time for animatronic:

This graph shows how "animatronic" have occurred between 1800 and 2008 in a corpus of English books.

What is the plural form of animatronic?

The plural form of the word "animatronic" is "animatronics"

What is the singular form of animatronic?

The singular form of the word "animatronic" is "animatronic". It does not change in the singular form.

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